The batch of VI semester students of Mechatronics branch was having an industrial visit cum ‘one day workshop on robotics in field of manufacturing and production of various Automobile vehicles. They were accompanied by Prof. Pathik Patel and Prof. Ajay Patel.
All the students were firstly guided to the canteen area for the breakfast and after that we gathered in the auditorium for the brief introduction regarding the industry. The introduction also comprises the brief history of the robots the industry owns which was manufactured by the well-known robot manufacturing company from Japan named “FANUC”. A representative from FANUC itself was guiding regarding the types of robots, their variants, and the various robots that the company manufactures. Lastly, the session was ended by the various nomenclature and the brief details of the robots the manufacturing plant includes.
After the Lunch Break, all the students were divided among different groups for the practical hands-on experience on different robots. In total practical were done on 4 machines viz, FANUC Spot Welding Arm, Panasonic Welding Arm, Plastic Injection Machine with Pick and Place Arm and Skillveri Simulation for Welding. Also, an animated view of ‘Industry 4.0’ that the industry was practicing was also shown.