Information Technology Department of G H Patel College of Engineering and Technology (GCET), a CharutarVidyaMandal Institute, VallabhVidyanagar, organized a Workshop on “Soft-Computing Techniques”, which was coordinated by Prof. Jaymit Pandya and Prof. Jay Vala on 24th February, 2018 from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM & 28th February, 2018 from 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM.

The event was conducted by three experts namely, Prof. Jaymit Pandya, Assistant Professor at Information Technology Department, GCET, VallabhVidhyanagar, Prof. Jay Vala, Assistant Professor at Information Technology Department, GCET, VallabhVidhyanagar and Prof. Preeti Sajja, Professor at Post Graduation Department, Sardar Patel University, VallabhVidhyanagar. The event was specially organized for the interested students of Second year of Information Technology Department. Total 35 students participated in the workshop.

Main focus of the workshop was to provide practical knowledge about Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining, Neural Network and Machine Learning. Artificial intelligence is, essentially, the simulation of intelligence in computers. Data mining applies methods from many different areas to identify previously unknown patterns from data. Machine learning, on the other hand, is a form of artificial intelligence in which the computer learns for itself using mining pattern, how to complete a task. It is the heart of many of the recent huge developments in the field of AI.Learning interest in these fields have grown rapidly over the years. Learning about all these will help to students to have idea about technologies in vogue.

In the first session students got familiar with Artificial intelligence. The main focus of this session was to provide idea about how to think for AI Problem and Derive Solutions for them. Students worked on some problems like 8-Puzzle,Water-Jug, and developed logic for them.

In the second session, Prof. Jay Vala explained about data mining techniques and tools. He also made students aware about use of tools, results and deriving conclusions from results. In third Session, Prof. PreetiSajja, gave students idea about neural network and machine learning. This session gave exposure to students aboutinterconnections of neural networks to AI and Data Mining. Students learned about formulating a problem for neural network, training of network and testing of network.

For more details Click here

Department: Information Technology