G H Patel College of Engineering & Technology
(The Charutar Vidya Mandal (CVM) University)
Information Technology Department of G H Patel College of Engineering and Technology (GCET), a Charutar Vidya Mandal Institute, Vallabh Vidyanagar, organized an expert talk on “Cross Platform Document Oriented Database”, which was coordinated by Prof. Jay Vala on 29th July 2019 from 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM. The event was conducted by Prof. Chetan Chudasama, Assistant Professor at MBIT in Computer Department, New Vallabh Vidhyanagar. The event was specially organized for the interested students of second year of Information Technology Department. Total Six students participated in the expert talk.
Main focus of the expert talk was to provide practical demo as well as theoretical knowledge about MongoDB. MongoDB stores data in flexible, JSON-like documents, meaning fields can vary from document to document and data structure can be changed over time. Learning about MongoDB will help students to have idea about no-SQL technology in vogue. In the first half and hour session students got familiar with theoretical aspect of MongoDB and later session practical demo was covered. The main focus of this session was to provide idea about how to think for unstructured database scenario and how to build database for such application. Students have learnt about CRUD operations and its application. There are many real life applications of MongoDB such as Aadhar, Shutterfly, Metlife and eBay. Overall, the event was a grand success. The effort made by the expert was clearly reflected on the faces of the students. A wave of awareness as well as enthusiasm regarding the topics covered was seen among the students. The response of the participants in terms of query was tremendous and their enthusiasm last till last session.