Bhrugu Dave from Second Year Electronics & Communication and Sayoni Mukherjee from Third Year Civil Engineering took part in an Inter Collegiate Debate Competition organized by S.M.Patel College of Home Science on 28th February, 2020. The topic of debate was " In the opinion of the house Face to Face Interactions with Professors is more Effective than Online Sessions and Lectures". Bhrugu Dave secured Second position in the competition.
GCET student became first runners up in an Inter-college Debate Competition at S.M.Patel College of Home Science, Vallabh Vidyanagar
04 March 2020 Cultural
GCET lifted overall first runners up trophy at Volcano-2020
18 February 2020 Cultural
GCET lifted overall first runners up trophy in the ‘Amul Volcano’2020’, an intercollegiate cultural festival consisting of 25 events. The event was organized by Rotary Club Round Anand Round Town, Anand in collaboration with Anand Nagarpalika from 12th to 16th February, 2020. Out of 25 events GCET acquired first prize in Scene-E-Magic, Short film making, Digital Miniature hoarding, Skit, Antakshari & Light Vocal; second position in Indian Group, Personality contest (Male), On the spot painting, Mime & Poster making and third position in Ad Enactment, Folk Dance, G.K. Quiz, Debate and Dumb Charades. Overall TEAM GCET secured 41 points. Thus by winning first in 6, second in 5 and third in 5 events. 34 colleges from the surrounding locality took part in the said event. It is a matter of pride for the college that GCET won first prize in light vocal (solo) for the fifth consecutive time in Volcano. Also in the event of Scene-e-Magic GCET is unbeaten right from when the event was started in 2012. GCET won first prize in this event for nine consecutive years. A team of 37 students was led by the student leaders- Shubham Kakkad, Jaimin Patel, Akanksha Chauhan, Tanay Tewar, Divyang Patel, Shubham Gor, Mitanshu Barot and Vaibhavi Lakhani Dr. Yogesh Chauhan coordinated all the events and mentored the team of volcano. Prof. Sneh Vyas assisted him in the process of building up the team. |
Dr. Ritesh Patel from Department of Electrical Engineering received Pedagogical Innovation Award at GTU (Innovation Sankul Awards 2020).
14 February 2020 Electrical Engineering
Dr. Ritesh patel from department of electrical engineering received GTU Pedagogical Innovation Award under Innovation Sankul Awards 2020 at Paryaavaran mandir, Ahmedabad. Mr. Vinay Sahastrabudhe, Chairman ICCR, Mr. K K Nirala, IAS, Collector Ahmedabad and Mr. M. Nagarajan, IAS Commissioner Higher Education were the guests of the function. |
GCET students became first runners up in TATA CRUCIBLE -The Campus Quiz 2020
14 February 2020 Cultural
Tanmay Mehta from third year Mechanical Engineering & Jaynil Pandya from second year Electronics & Communication Engineering won second prize at Tata Crucible Business Quiz (Regional) competition held at IRMA, Anand. They won a cash prize of Rs. 35,000 for this victory. |
Viraj Naik a student of GCET won first prize in Skit at National Inter University Youth Festival
10 February 2020 Cultural
Viraj Naik a student of final year Mechanical Engineering represented GCET and GTU at National Inter University Youth Festival held at Amity University, Noida from 2nd to 7th February, 2020. He was a part of Skit event and it is a matter of pride that the skit secured first position at the national level. |
GCET student became second runners up in an Inter-college Elocution Competition at H.M.Patel Institute of English Training and Research, Vallabh Vidyanagar
28 January 2020 Cultural
Bhrugu Dave of GCET participated in an Inter-college Elocution Competition organized by YMCA, Anand and Literary Club of H.M.Patel Institute of English Training and Research on 24th January, 2020. The topic of competition was"The role of youth in promoting National Integration. |
GCET students shined out at Encuesta - The Quiz Carnival Season 3
22 January 2020 Cultural
A team of three students comprising of Viraj Naik, Tathya Joshipura and Arif Khan became first runners up in Bollywood quiz out of 46 teams from all over Gujarat. A team comprising of Tanmay Mehta , Jaynil Pandya and Zalak Modi secured second runners up position in General Quiz competition out of more than 60 teams from all over Gujarat. The quiz was organized by Institute of Language Studies & Applied social Sciences (ILSASS) on 21st January, 2020. |
The IEEE member recruitment and recovery committee recognizes Dr. Hardik R Pathak, Senior Member IEEE and as Membership development Chair, IEEE Gujarat Section for Outstanding achievement in Membership development in IEEE Gujarat Section during 2019 membership year
18 January 2020 IEEE
The IEEE member recruitment and recovery committee recognizes Dr. Hardik R Pathak, as Membership development Chair, IEEE Gujarat Section for Outstanding achievement in Membership development in IEEE Gujarat Section during 2019 membership year |
IEEE GCET SB received prestigious Darrel Chong Student Activity award 2019-GOLD for flagship event
18 January 2020 IEEE
IEEE GCET SB received prestigious Darrel Chong Student Activity award 2019-GOLD for our flagship event " STAC'18" . Congratulations to whole team of IEEE GCET SB. |
Ms. Shreya Patel, IEEE volunteer and Student of final year computer Engineering, GCET received IEEE CS Rechard E Mervin Scholarship of 1000 $.
18 January 2020 IEEE
Shreya Patel, IEEE volunteer and Student of final year computer Engineering GCET received IEEE CS Rechard E Mervin Scholarship of 1000 $. Congratulation to shreya for grand success. |
Representation of GCET students in GTU team for West Zone Inter University Youth Festival
06 January 2020 Cultural
West Zone Inter University Youth Festival was held from 27th to 31st December, 2019 at Uka Tarasadia University. In a team of 42 students from the entire GTU, five students were selected from GCET. Viraj Naik performed in One Act, Skit & Mime, Jenil Bhatt performed in Western Instrumental- Solo & Western Group Song,, Harsh Prajapati in Indian & Wetern Group Song, Purvish Upadhyay was a participant in Mime and Shubham Gor performed as an accompanist in Indian & Western Group Song and Western Vocal- Solo events. Viraj Naik of GCET got quaified for National Inter University Youth Festival to be held in February'2020 at Amity University, Noida. |
Under UNNAT BHARAT ABHIYAN awareness program Plastic free India news in NEWS PAPER
01 January 2020 Unnant Bharat Abhiyan
Under UNNAT BHARAT ABHIYAN and concept of Plastic free India, We gave speech on our Abhiyan as well as “Plastic free India”. We addressed all the students and staffs about this programme and role of GCET for the same. Around 145 cloth bags were distributed in Pritam High School. Response from the students and staffs were sublime and enthusiastic. |
GCET became overall Second Runners up at GTU Interzonal Youth Festival and Champions in Theater category
18 October 2019 Cultural
GCET qualified for 13 AIU and 1 Non AIU events in the GTU Interzonal Youth Festival, Xitij-2019. GCET secured first position in Non AIU event Paad Purti. In the AIU events TEAM GCET gave splendid performances and won first prize in Mime and Western Instrumental- Solo events. Secured second position in Skit and Poster making events and third position in Folk Orchestra event. Overall GCET became Second Runners Up. Its a matter of pride that it also lifted overall theater category championship trophy. The team leaders were Shubham Kakkad, Akanksha Chauhan, Jaimin Patel, Viraj Naik, Shubham Gor, Mitanshu Barot and Harsh Prajapati. The faculty mentor was Dr. Yogesh A. Chauhan assisted by Prof. Sneh Vyas. |
Poster Competition on Gandhi Jayanti Celebration
01 October 2019 Central Activity
150th Birth Date of M K Gandhi - Gandhi Jayanti Programme Poster Competition for students – Best 3 posters winners were declared |
Team GCET won Overall Championship trophy in VVN Zone Youth Festival
17 September 2019 Cultural
VVNAGAR ZONAL YOUTH FESTIVAL- XITIJ-2019, Event held at VADODARA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING,KOTAMBI, VADODARA from 12th to 14th September,2019, Team GCET secured first rank in Folk Orchestra, Western Instrumental – Solo, Classical Vocal, Western Group Song, One Act Play, Mime & Paad Purti; grabbed second position in Skit, Classical Instrumental (Non Percussion) & Indian Group Song and won third prize in Quiz, Poster Making, Installation & Classical Instrumental (Percussion) events. GCET Lifted Overall Championship Trophy by scoring 58 points. GCET was also declared as champions in Music and Theatres categories. Student team leaders were Shubham Kakkad, Shubham Gor, Jaimin Patel, Akansha Chauhan, Viraj Naik, Mitanshu Barot and Harsh Prajapati. Faculty mentor was Dr. Yogesh A. Chauhan assisted by Prof. Sneh Vyas. |
22 August 2019 Social Activity cell
Blood Donation Camp is organized in the campus with support of Indian Red Cross Society, Anand. Total 111 units of blood is collected for the benefit of society. Principal sir visited the camp and appreciated blood donors. |
Congratulations to pass out student KIshan Thacker for receiving L&T’s Build India Scholarship
10 July 2019 Civil Engineering
A big congratulation to our Pass out student Kishan Thacker (2015-19 Batch) received L&T’s Build India Scholarship to M.Tech. in Construction Technology Management at IIT Madras and subsequent employment at L&T as Senior Engineer (O-1) cadre. Course fee will be borne entirely by L & T along with stipend of ₹ 13,400/- during the program |